Stafford & Cannock PEATS and GRR CET Event- 20/04/2016 at Staffordshire Local Optical Committee

Stafford & Cannock PEATS and GRR CET Event - 20/04/2016

Staffordshire LOC has organised a PEATS (Primary Eye care Assessment & Treatment Service) and GRR (Glaucoma Referral Refinement) CET event for Monday 16 May, taking place in the Stafford Postgraduate Medical Centre.  Although it is intended  ostensibly for the benefit of optometrists actively participating in the Stafford & Cannock PEATS and GRR services, it will also be of relevance to any optometrists in South Staffordshire who are not yet accredited, but who might be interested in signing up to the services in the near future.  In addition, North Staffordshire optometrists who participate in parallel eye care services (Acute Eye service is the equivalent of PEATS in North) will find the event informative and helpful also.  The LOC has applied for interactive CET points.

We are pleased to announce that we will be joined on the evening by Mr Lynval Jones, Consultant Ophthalmologist at Royal Stoke Hospital (and specialist mentor to the GRR service), and Mr Bal Manoj, who consults at New Cross Hospital, Cannock Chase Hospital and Rowley Hall Hospital (and specialist mentor to PEATS). 

Bal’s lecture will help to educate and inform PEATS optometrists by helping enable them to reflect upon the appropriateness and timeliness of their referral decision-making. 

In his presentation, Lynval will address the importance of core slit lamp skills in Glaucoma/OHT diagnosis, as well as new technologies in Glaucoma diagnosis and management (including OCT).

 We will conclude the evening by reminding practitioners of GRR and PEATS protocols and guidelines, as well as referencing the Local Quality Requirements (LQRs) that practitioners are contractually obliged to meet.  We are more than happy to remain behind for further discussion afterwards.

The PEATS service specification closely follows the LOCSU Model Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) pathway, and it is anticipated that the North Staffs Acute Eye service will soon follow this model, subject to CCG approval.  Furthermore, the LOC hopes that PEATS will be commissioned in SE and East Staffordshire before long.  Therefore, this CET event should be of interest to all clinically minded Staffordshire optometrists with an interest in community eye care services.   It will be a great opportunity to re-visit your learning, as well as to ask any burning questions or raise any other concerns about the services with the clinical leads.   Therefore, everyone is strongly encouraged to attend.

Please arrive at 6:00pm for a buffet meal, with the main event to follow at 6:30pm.  We expect to have finished by 9:30pm.

Could we ask you to reply to Alison Lowell at the LOC office by email at

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to seeing you on 16 May. 



MARK McCRACKEN (Clinical Governance & Performance Lead [PEATS/MECS), SASPEC

IRFAN RAZVI (Clinical Governance & Performance Lead [Glaucoma], SASPEC

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