Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic - 02/01/2018Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Ophthalmology outpatient clinic, which runs out of County Hospital in Stafford, will be moving bases to Cannock Chase Hospital. This is due to University Hospital of North Midlands (UHNM) serving notice on the rooms that they operated out of. The service will finish at County Hospital on Wednesday 23rdDecember and the new service will start at Cannock Chase Hospital on Tuesday 2ndJanuary 2018. All patients affected by this will be / have been notified. Cannock Chase Eye Centre will be developing over the next few months to offer more services within the Staffordshire footprint, saving time for patients to travel to New Cross Hospital. Please direct all new ophthalmology referrals (adult and paediatric) to, Cannock Chase Hospital, Brunswick Rd, Cannock WS11 5XY |