Nominations Invited for Position Vacant on Staffordshire LOC - 26th November 2018 at Staffordshire Local Optical Committee

Nominations Invited for Position Vacant on Staffordshire LOC - 26th November 2018

Following the resignation of longstanding member Mike Cody (CLO and Contractor) from Staffordshire Local Optical Committee, a casual vacancy has arisen on the committee.  Ideally, the LOC would like Mike’s replacement to be a Contractor DO/CLO also, but we would welcome the nomination of any local contractor or performer who is keen and ready to assist the LOC in its work around GOS and extended eyecare services.  Should one of your practice colleagues express an interest in the vacant position, and you wish to nominate them for election to the committee, please contact Alison Lowell at the Staffordshire LOC office.


Staffordshire LOC would like to place on record its thanks to Mike for over 20 years’ good service to the committee, during which time he has done much to ensure that DOs and CLOs are much better represented within the NHS both locally and nationally, as well as being a passionate advocate and agent for the expansion of the CLO’s clinical remit.  We wish him every success in the future.


Please send alll nominations to Alison on by no later than Monday 17th December 2018.

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