LOC Election - 04/06/2014There are currently positions vacant on Staffordshire LOC for a dispensing optician, a community optometrist and a hospital optometrist. It is the committee’s intention to elect new members to these positions at its AGM on Tuesday 10th June at the Stone House Hotel, Stone. Any Staffordshire optometrist or dispensing optician who would like to play an active role in helping the LOC represent its contractors and performers, and who has a passion for Staffordshire community eye care pathways and GOS, should seriously consider this opportunity. If you would like your name to be put forward for election to the committee then you must seek a nomination from a fellow optometrist or dispensing optician. All nominations must reach Staffordshire LOC secretary Alison Lowell by midday of Tuesday 10th June. All nominations are welcome, whether from hospital, multiple or independent practice. |