Community Eye Care Pathways for Stafford and Cannock- 26/09/2014
Notice to all optometry practices in Stafford and Cannock CCG areas (25th September 2014):
As many of you already know, Stafford and Cannock CCGs expressed an interest in the commissioning of community eye care pathways towards the end of last year. Since then, Staffordshire LOC has been involved in discussions with the two CCGs and other local eye health stakeholders about the development of such pathways. Progress has been slow, but the commissioning board are meeting at the end of this month to consider a business plan for the launch of a Paediatrics pathway, a PEARS pathway, and for the relaunch and expansion of the current Stafford Glaucoma pilot with Webstar IT support. The plan is for the services to be launched in January 2015. You will recall that the LOC office contacted you in April this year, asking for your declarations of interest in Glaucoma and Paediatrics community pathways. As some time as passed since, Staffordshire LOC is now writing to ask if you would kindly revisit/reaffirm your interest in the Glaucoma and Paediatrics pathways and also indicate your interest in the PEARS pathway. The office will shortly be sending out a form to each optometry practice in Stafford and Cannock CCG areas. Where you have previously given an expression of interest in participating in the Glaucoma and Paediatrics pathways, this will be recorded on the form. If you are interested in participating in the PEARS pathway, please note this on the form and return it by fax or by email to the LOC office. Likewise, if your position in relation to the Glaucoma and Paediatrics pathways has changed since April, please amend the form accordingly. Information about the pathways can be found on the “Community Eye Care” section of the Staffordshire LOC website. If you have any further questions, please contact the LOC office and I will be happy to advise you. Thank you for your consideration. Could you please give your response to Alison at the LOC office by no later than Monday 13th October. Mark McCracken (A final word to optometry practices in East and SE Staffordshire: your respective CCGs do not currently consider the commissioning of optometry-led community eye care services to be a top priority, but they are watching developments in Stafford and Cannock with interest!) |